“Comics is the second American Revolution and the young person realizes that.  We’re a country of ideas. A country of innovators.”

Jack Kirby

Do you remember the delight you felt the first time you picked up a comic book? 

Do you remember the feeling that, wherever you were, you had suddenly stepped into another world?

It might have been an astounding realm of fantasy and science, or a cityscape of gritty midnight streets. It might have been as remote as a distant galaxy, or as close to you as the mysterious depths of your own inner self. 

Whether they made you cheer, laugh, cry, or just wonder….do you remember how those worlds became part of your thoughts - as grand and vibrant as mythology, as personal as your own dreams?

We do.

For centuries, people around the world have enjoyed the simple, sublime, spectacular narrative power unleashed through the astonishing alchemy by which ink and paper brings vivid thrilling life to pictures and words. 

Though scholars may never agree where and when the first “real comics” were fashioned, we know this medium is truly international in scope, and as timeless as imagination itself. 

We believe comics offer unrivaled dramatic possibilities. We believe they are the most versatile, the most accessible, and still the most underrated artistic form of communication. 

We love comics. 

We are not daunted by the economics of the industry. We believe that when someone creates a high-quality product, people will want to buy it. 

We know our business is to entertain you. We will never lose sight of that fact. We will never take our audience for granted - ever. 

We want to make the best comic books you have ever read; we want to make comics that you will love as much as we love the comics that inspired us.

Our work is different. It is classic and new at the same time.  We think people will dig it. 

Are we ambitious? 


We take this seriously, but we will never take ourselves too seriously. Comics can be important, but we think they should be fun. We are creating something we really like and we want you to like it, too. 

That is our first, last, and only priority. 

Modestly speaking, we plan on being great but we will need your help to do it!

The GOLD ARROW on every issue is a sign of our golden promise to you - quality for your hard-earned dollars and respect for you as consumers.

Look for the GOLD ARROW at your comic book shop! And ask your friendly comic book dealer to carry GOLD ARROW COMICS…!

Thank you.

Marcel Bedard
